Broccoli (Calabrese)
Mustard (Gai Choy/Giant Red Mustard)
Collards (Georgia)
Kohlrabi (Early White Vienna)
Arugula (Rocket Salad/Coltivata Do Orto)
Egyptian Spinach – Molokheiya (Corchorus olitorius)
Lettuce (Black Seeded Simpson, Paris Island Cos, Bibb and Red Oak Leaf)
Ruby Orach Mountain Spinach
Huaunzontle – Red Aztec Spinach
Chard (Broadstem Green and Rhubarb Red)
Lambsquarters (Magenta Spreen)
With the exception of the burdock, which was sown directly, I planted into two speedling trays (which I’ve used for years – they came with the house) in a 4’x6′ greenhouse. Some of the seeds are pretty old, but with any luck, I’ll have good germination rates, and lots of winter greens. The photo above is giant red mustard from last year. It’s my favorite leaf vegetable, with a rich and somewhat spicy flavor.
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